Bare-root Fruit Trees - Sneak Peak Event

If you want the best selection of bare-root fruit trees at the best price, now is your chance!

This year, Dave Wilson provided us with a list of over 600 different fruit trees! From that list, we’ve ordered a selection of classics as well as some staff favorites. Our bare-root fruit tree order will arrive at the nursery in January. Customers subscribed to our newsletter will receive another update as soon as they become available for purchase.

On top of that, customers have the opportunity to special order unique varieties from the original list.
While the world is still recovering from the pandemic, we are not taking payment for these special orders until we get the order confirmation sometime in November. Limited quantities are available (5 of each variety) and any special orders will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.

This year we’re also offering a potting service for $20. With this service, your tree will be potted in a biodegradable pulp pot. When you arrive home the tree can be planted, pot and all, in your garden. Check out our bare-root tree planting guide and pulp pot planting guide for more info.


Sneak Peek Event - September 11th

We understand a list of over 600 trees can be a little overwhelming. So this year we’re organizing an in-store meet-and-greet with our fruit tree specialist Rose. Over the course of an hour, she will talk about the pros and cons of bare-root trees as well as highlight some of her favorite varieties.

Rose also takes in-store and at-home consultations for anyone wanting more in-depth information on the topic. If this is something you are interested in you can schedule an appointment through our service page.

The details:

  • The event will be held on September 11th at 11:00 AM.

  • Attendees will be the first ones to enter their special orders, meaning they have the best chance at getting what’s on their wishlist.

  • Event handouts have been made available for download.

  • Soft order list containing all the available varieties this year.

  • Regular special orders will open a week after the sneak peek event, on September 18th.


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