Christmas Tree Pre-Orders

Can you believe it’s already September?! Neither can we! But you know what that means… It’s time to pre-order your fresh-cut Christmas tree!

We offer a 10% discount on any Christmas tree pre-orders made by November 10th. We offer pick-up and delivery services. Customers can come in and select their own tree or have one of our nursery staff select one based on their preferences.

Call 408 252 3347 or visit our store in Cupertino, where one of our cashiers will assist you with your order.

This year we also offer online orders!

We highly recommend you pre-order your Christmas tree this year. In 2020, many tree farms got hit by forest fires, interrupting the supply line. Last Holiday season we also saw a large increase in demand and we believe this trend will continue into this upcoming season.

Customers on our waitlist can soon expect a phone call to set up their pre-order. If you would like a pre-order reminder for next year you can subscribe to our Christmas tree mailing list.

We wish you all a fantastic Holiday season!


2022 Pulp Pot Fruit Trees


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