Special order fruit trees now

Bare-root fruit tree special orders.png

Our special order form for Dave Wilson fruit trees is now online. Limited quantities for each variety are available. The last order date is October 18th.

On the form, be sure to fill out:

  • First and last name

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Amount of each variety you wish to purchase

Please send your filled-out form to infocenter@yamagamis.com. A cashier will contact you over the phone to verify your order and to take payment.

Special order fruit trees will arrive at the nursery in February 2022.

This year we also offer a potting service for anyone who wishes to have their bare-root trees potted in biodegradable pots. The tree can then be planted, pot and all, in the ground. The potting service will cost $20 per tree.

If you need help selecting fruit trees you can make an appointment with Rose, our fruit tree specialist. Alternatively, you can take a look at Rose’s favorites to help you decide.


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