Grafting Class (Apples & Pears)
Get hands-on in our grafting class tailored specifically for apple and pear trees on February 17th, 2024, from 2 PM to 3 PM! Bring your trusty hand pruners and dive into the art of cleft grafting designed for these beloved deciduous fruit trees.
Here's how you can participate:
- Learn and practice grafting techniques under Rose’s guidance.
- Purchase an apple or pear tree from the nursery and graft it during the session.
- Bring your own potted or bare root apple or pear tree for grafting.
- Practice in class and take home grafting scions for your tree.
- Acquire rootstock from Rose's selection.
- Bring labeled scion cuttings from home or a local exchange to share or utilize.
Start your journey toward creating your own orchard masterpiece. Call the nursery to reserve your spot: (408) 252-3347
Class fee: $55