Rose’s Persimmon Recommendations

Did you know persimmon’s Latin name, Diospyros, translates loosely to Fruit of the Gods?

Several varieties of Fuyu persimmon are available this year through our special order program.

  • ‘Fuyu Imoto’ persimmon is very similar to the popular Jiro persimmon. The fruit is slightly larger and ripens about 7-10 days earlier.

  • ‘Giant Fuyu’ persimmon is twice the size of a normal persimmon but has the same flavor and a rounder shape.

  • ‘Izu’ persimmon is a natural dwarf variety. The fruit has the same flavor, shape and size, but the size of the tree is more manageable and great for small gardens.

  • ‘CoffeCake’ persimmon is a unique variety with a rich and spicy flavor and a brown flesh color, reminiscent of coffee cake. This Fuyu persimmon ripens a month before other persimmons and requires a pollenizer like Chocolate or Hachiya persimmon.

These varieties and many other fruit trees are available for special order until October 18th.


Winter Vegetables Are Here


Fruit Quarantine in South San Jose