We’re a Monarch Waystation!

Last week we received our plaque from MonarchWatch.org, making us a recognized Monarch waystation!

Over the last few years, we’ve seen an increase in Monarch butterflies and caterpillars at the nursery, which led to one of our employees doing more research on what we can do to help them further.

We sell different varieties of milkweed, an essential plant in the Monarch butterfly’s lifecycle. Many of these flowers drop their seed throughout the nursery resulting in the weed growing naturally from the cracks and crevices. Instead of getting rid of it, we’ve let it grow wherever it popped up.

It didn’t take long for the Monarchs to set up camp and make these plants their new home. And just last week we witnessed one of the butterflies emerge from its cocoon! Her name is Helga and we wish her all the best!


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November Garden Planner